Decoding a Child's Intelligence: The Multiple Intelligence Theory

The Multiple Intelligence Theory speaks of eight facets of intelligence which all children have. Knowing their strong intelligences may help in their education and in maximizing their potential.
1Doherty, J., and Hughes, M., Child Development Theory and Practice 0-11 2nd ed. 2014. PEARSON EDUCATION LIMITED, Italy.
2Berk, L. ed. Development through the lifespan 7the ed. 2018. Pearson Education, Inc., USA.
3Armstrong, T., Multiple intelligence in the classroom 3rd ed. 2009. ASCD publications, USA.
4Multiple Intelligence International School. Accessed April 2020.
5Multiple Intelligences: Expanding Our Perspectives to Support All Learners. Accessed April 2020.
6Multiple Intelligence. Accessed April 2020.
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