The Giftedness Series: Identifying Gifted Children

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Developmental Pediatrics General Medicine Paediatrics Pediatric Neurology Developmental Pediatrics
The Giftedness Series: Identifying Gifted Children

Pediatricians can help identify giftedness by recognizing its concrete signs. It can be spotted in one or more domains such as intelligence, creativity, artistic skills and leadership or in a specific academic discipline such as language, arts, mathematics or science. If you observe signs of advanced development and potential giftedness in a child, do appropriate testing and assessments, in order to be able to make optimal recommendations, and prescribe ways to ensure these talents are nourished, nurtured, and developed.


2Gifted and Talented Children: Issues for Pediatricians, Nancy M. Robinson, Paula M. Olszewski-Kubilius

3The Gifted Child, Arthur C. Jaffe, Pediatrics in Review, July 2000, Volume 21, Issue7

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