Intelligent Kindness In Practice
Intelligent Kindness strikes a balance between displaying empathy to patients who require a gentler approach; and providing efficient and effective care services. Accessibility and availability of physicians is seen to be one of the major manifestations of Intelligent Kindness that parents seek.
Despite seeming counterintuitive, the more consciously that doctors practice intelligent kindness by extending extra care for patients, the more it reduces the workload for providing care in the long run – because parents and patients respond well to the personalized attention that physicians are giving. This also helps dispel negative behavior among relatives by showing how doctors are invested in ensuring that patients get the proper care needed, which in the end benefits the physician, the patient, and the parents.
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2Mathers,Nigel. Br J Gen Pract 2016; DOI: 10.3399/bjgp16X686041
3Gilbert P. The compassionate mind. London: Robinson, 2009.
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