Staying at Home is Affecting Child Immunity With the advent of the lockdowns, outdoor times especially among children have severely declined. This can lead to a… Should You Switch to Low Lactose Milk? Brain Development of Children Today Trending The Sick Kids Public Health Nutrition Course Understanding the Core Developmental Milestones of Filipino Children: The Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Milestones Checklist Coronavirus Information Q&A podcast from the 9th Wyeth Nutrition Science Center Summit with Dr. Nora Schneider Q&A podcast from the 9th Wyeth Nutrition Science Center Summit with Dr. Barry O'Neill Q&A podcast from the “Growth Concerns” series – Dr. Cathriona Monnard Explore our topics Allergies - immunity 3 Materials General Nutrition 9 Materials Gastroenterology 14 Materials Neonatology 4 Materials Pre-term Nutrition 16 Materials Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) 9 Materials Maternal Health 1 Material Brain academy Gut academy Stay up-to-date with our newsletter News and educational materials about Nutrition Science Clinical Cases An Infant With Rash Atopic dermatitis is a common inflammatory condition seen in 20% of children. It can be mistaken for other pruritic… Tool Kits The Bristol Stool Chart: What the stool says about a child’s health A guide on stool description. Recommended Reading Print Books Foster Better Interactions Between Parent-Toddler Than E-Books The study revealed that reading print books, compared to e-books and enhanced e-books, leads to more dialogic and non… Brain Academy Brain myelination study in healthy infants In March 2017, Wyeth Nutrition, in collaboration with the Nestlé Research Center (NRC) in Lausanne, began a nutritional… Giftedness Corner The Giftedness Series: Identifying Gifted Children Pediatricians can help identify giftedness by recognizing its concrete signs. It can be spotted in one or more domains… Everyday Pediatrics Power of Play Play is something that children do naturally and is often perceived as just a joyful activity. Benefits have been… Latest Videos Growth Faltering & Brain Development, Dr. Purva Rajhans Dr. Purva Rajhans Growth Faltering & Physical Development, Dr. Cathriona Monnard Dr. Cathriona Monnard How can myelination be influenced? - Dr. Jonas Hauser Why is myelination important? - Dr, Jonas Hauser See all Videos